Frequently Asked Questions

Q.Does the price include set up and delivery?
A.Yes, but remember prices do not include sales tax., and our hard working crew truly appreciate tips!
Q.Do you deliver to other cities?
A.Yes, please feel free to reach out with a call, txt or on instagram if you do not see your city listed. We'll see what we can do to work with you!
Q.Does the rental time include your set up time?
A.No. We arrive early to set up, typically an hour before game time. We do however take a few minutes for instructions, and take plenty of water breaks for the players during game time.
Q.How is your ammo mess free?
A.We pride ourselves on being eco-friendly and our ammo being biodegradable. Our ammo is non-toxin, stain free, and is safe for little ones or pets. It is made up of 90% water, 7mm in diameter at its largest, and actually has some of the same components used in slow release soil nutrients.
Q.What payments do you take?
A.Cash or Credit Cards. If paying by cash, please have exact change as our drivers do not carry cash.
Q.What if we need to cancel?
A.Please check out our policies page for details.
Q.Do you require a deposit?
A.Yes all orders require a deposit and full payment to be received 24hrs prior to party.
Q.Can we see a copy of your contract and safety rules?
A.Yes. There is a link in your receipt once you've ordered or you may contact our office.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to call us any time at: (909) 582-2891

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